Rules of billiards game

Here are some others:. Dave keeps this site commercial free, with no ads. If you appreciate the free resources , please consider making a one-time or monthly donation to show your support :. An illegal push out is penalized according to the type of foul committed. After a player scratches on the break shot, the incoming player cannot play a push out. When a player commits a foul, he must relinquish his run at the table and no balls pocketed on the foul shot are respotted exception: if a pocketed ball is the 9-ball, it is respotted.

The incoming player is awarded ball in hand; prior to his first shot he may place the cue ball anywhere on the table. If a player commits several fouls on one shot, they are counted as only one foul.

If the first object ball contacted by the cue ball is not the lowest- numbered ball on the table, the shot is foul. If no object ball is pocketed, failure to drive the cue ball or any numbered ball to a rail after the cue ball contacts the object ball on is a foul.

When the cue ball is in hand, the player may place the cue ball anywhere on the bed of the table, except in contact with an object ball. He may continue to adjust the position of the cue ball until he takes a shot.

An unpocketed ball is considered to be driven off the table if it comes to rest other than on the bed of the table. It is a foul to drive an object ball off the table. Shot Clock implementation is at the sole discretion of the UPA, its representatives or tournament officials. When a shot clock is utilized it shall be used for both players competing in the following manner:. The shot clock begins when all balls come to rest.

Once one 1 minute has been reached on the shot clock, the shooter must either be stroking or have shot. If the cue ball strikes a legal object ball and a non-legal object ball at about the same instant and it cannot be clearly determined which ball was hit first, the judgment will go in favor of the shooter.

Balls must remain in a pocket to count as pocketed. If a ball goes into a pocket and bounces back on to the playing surface, it is not considered pocketed. If it is the 9-ball, it is not a win. If it is the cue ball, it is not a scratch. Clearing pockets which are full or nearly full of balls is the responsibility of the shooting player. If any ball hangs in a pocket and drops within 5 seconds after coming to complete rest, the ball is considered to be pocketed.

If a hanging ball drops in the pocket after being at rest for more than 5 seconds, the ball is returned to the original position on the edge, and the incoming player may begin. Both players will have the opportunity to argue their case. Tournament officials are the sole judges of whether this rule applies to any situation. A ball may settle slightly after it appears to have stopped, possibly due to slight imperfections in the cloth or table slate.

Unless this causes a ball to fall into a pocket, it is considered a normal hazard of play and will not be moved back. If a ball falls into a pocket as a result of such settling, it is replaced as close as possible to its original position on the lip of the pocket.

If a ball falls into a pocket during or just prior to a shot and it has an effect on the shot, the referee will restore the ball to its original position and the shot will be replayed. Players are not penalized for shooting while a ball is settling. It is legal to cause the cue ball to leave the surface of the table by elevating the butt of the cue and, with a downward stroke, forcing the cue ball to rise off the playing surface.

A legal jump cue must be at least 40 inches in length and constructed in typical cue fashion. NOTE: Standard jump cues are accepted, including phenolic tips. However, cues that are not typical in appearance must be accepted and approved by the UPA. All equipment that is generally accepted throughout the industry is permitted. However, using any equipment in a non-customary manner is never allowed and constitutes a foul. It is the responsibility of the shooting player to know what the intended use of each piece of equipment is: the bridge, jump cues, extensions, etc.

NOTE: The use of headphones and other devices are not permitted. The use of racks and balls not provided by the venue must be agreed upon by both players.

If in 3 consecutive innings by each player, the players purposefully foul or scratch because both players agree that any attempt to pocket or move an object ball would result in a loss of the game, then the game is considered a stalemate and another game is played. It is the responsibility of each member to be aware of all rules, regulations, and schedules relating to competition. Tournament officials will make every reasonable effort to make the information readily available to all players; however, the ultimate responsibility rests with each individual player.

There is no recourse if a player does not obtain correct or complete information. The opening break is not a called shot. Any player performing a break shot in 8 Ball may continue to shoot his next shot so long as he has legally pocketed any object ball on the break.

The balls are racked in a triangle at the foot of the table with the 8 ball in the center of the triangle, the first ball of the rack on the foot spot, a stripe ball in one corner of the rack and a solid ball in the other corner. Winner of the lag has the option to break.

During individual competition, players will alternate breaking on each subsequent game. While cue ball fouls only is the rule of play when a match is not presided over by a referee, a player should be aware that it will be considered a cue ball foul if during an attempt to jump, curve or masse the cue ball over or around an impeding numbered ball that is not a legal object ball, the impeding ball moves, regardless of whether it was moved by a hand, cue stick follow through or bridge.

To execute a legal break, the breaker with the cue ball behind the head string, must either 1, pocket a ball, or 2, drive at least four numbered balls to the rail.


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