Notify me of new posts via email. Imagine the following scenario: You installed the Windows Internal Database role on Server bit. It tells you that SQL may not be started on the machine. Like this: Like Loading Thanks a lot. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here In doing so, it may be attempting to install updates from the WSUS server which no longer exists. If it is not already, change it to zero and then reinstall the WSUS role.
I am unsure if you will need to 'net stop wuauserv' after you change the value to zero. Also I think every time I make a change or try to install the role do I have to go through and check that the previous installation attempt and residual files are completely deleted?
Since you had to change the key to zero, I am assuming it was previously set to 1 - indicating that it was still looking to pull updates from the local WSUS server instead of Microsoft. After you set it to zero, did you restart the update service? Also, if you have group policy set to use the local WSUS server, then after policy refreshes, the value will be should be reverted back.
What else is running on this server? Then, after all the default stuff is gone, try to install it again.
The following changes you pointed out did not work out immediately. However after completing this one last step. Run 'regedit. So each time I ran a fix the above Registry entry was being recreated and had to be removed manually before trying each incremental update. Clients are getting the Updates as well through Group Policy after doing the same on the client.
So what you have mentioned earlier still Applies. One more thing The client may be updating their Operating System to Server , that is also a possibility. If I am understanding correctly, you basically stripped the client of the updating information. You then restarted the updating services. I would expect that you have a group policy somewhere which will rewrite those registry keys the next time computer policy applies. And, the next time the update service is restarted e.
Ok — two choices — my entire server from back or try out the MS repair guides. I figure that it was just taking its time and left it be for now. Once it had installed I deviated from the. I ran the wizard to do this again and it moved over nicely. To do that I had to stop a few services first. I went into the WSUS console and found everything back the way it was before the upgrade.
I checked the SBS console and found it too was working once more with the Updates section correctly reporting everything I needed.
Well it is only a little while later, that I find myself in a similar state — yet worse. Note: If the cleanup wizard has not been run in a while or ever it can take several attempts for the wizard to succeed.
The SBS Console comes with a number of Wizards that allows the admin to move certain files and folders to other partitions. It is suggested that a good backup always be taken prior to the wizards being run. See the wizards on the right hand side. Move Wizards location :. Again a good backup is recommended prior to proceeding:.