Some adults do not know how to play with kids. They may feel uncomfortable doing childish things, or feel that they have to supervise them, instructing them what to do. Just observe what your child is doing. The best toys are those that encourage exploration and discovery. They do not demand an outcome from a child. They include:. It is our responsibility as parents and educators to help kids explore the world and its wonders. The last thing we want to do is to schedule a string of activities and programmes to keep our little ones busy.
Practice letting your child get bored because some of the best creativity comes from boredom. Username or Email Address. Previous Next. View Larger Image. Self-Directed Play Real play is self-directed play, and that means it is organized by the kids themselves. How to Support Self-Directed Play? Toys for Real Play The best toys are those that encourage exploration and discovery.
About the Author: Koh Soo Peng. Soo is the founder of Xobon, a platform that celebrates the spirit of expression without boundaries. She is also a hands-on mother. As the play experience is practiced multiple times, the learning occurs in a subtle yet permanent way.
Children can concentrate for longer periods of time and are motivated to learn - because they are having a great time. Unlike the rote memorisation of facts, this kind of experience driven learning is retained in the long term memory, developing important conceptual understandings and laying the perfect foundation for long term academic success.
In fact, studies reveal a link between play particularly symbolic, pretend play and the development of language and literacy skills, enhanced achievement in maths in later grades, and stronger social and collaborative skills. The complexity of block play in young children can be a predictor of later high school math success. To be specific, researchers have found that students who use manipulatives such as blocks in more sophisticated ways in kindergarten score better math grades.
The simplest of activities can turn into great learning ventures for children as their brain is stimulated through various levels while playing.
Play improves memory and stimulates the growth of the cerebral cortex, and children pay more attention to academic tasks when they are given brief and frequent opportunities for play.
Play also promotes creative problem-solving capabilities, and pretend play has also been correlated with two crucial skill sets, the ability to self-regulate impulses, emotions, attention and the ability to reason counterfactually.
Imagine a very large handful buttons in different colours, dimensions and shapes lying on the table. The first instinct of the students is sensory, they all want to touch and feel the buttons, one by one as well as many buttons at a time, and experience different feels; small vs. When people think of play they often think of toddlers or young children, but you can start playing as soon as your baby is born.
Play changes as your child develops and over time children should become more comfortable playing with others. There are many games and activities your children can access through screens—but how much time should they spend with screens?
Learn More. Keep your little one on track from birth! Sign up for the Baby Games Calendar to receive weekly, age-appropriate activities that they can do to help their motor, sensory, and communication skills.
Sign Up Today. Topics of Development Motor Skills.