Maybe he thought it was a Rotary or PTA group? After getting to the bottom of how Jones got his White House job, Glenn Beck should turn his attention to how Jones got his book published by Harper Collins, a subsidiary of the same company, News Corporation, which owns the Fox News Channel and employs Beck. As we noted in our previous column, the Van Jones book includes endorsements from Thomas L. Ready to fight back against media bias?
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Hot Off The Press. Free the Market. Another Perspective. Political Hay. We are going to change the whole system! Note that this speech occurred a couple weeks before Van Jones began in his position. But Jones' radical nature goes deeper than that. If we are so damn imperialist, then why haven't we invaded Canada and Mexico? Something in line with Cuba's?
And do you think Obama knew about Van Jones' history? Of course he did. Remember, Obama is the same guy that spent twenty years listening to Reverend Wright spew out anti-American drivel through a Black Liberation Theology lens. Obama not only knows of Van Jones' radical past, he agrees with it. That is probably why he picked him.
Unlike Obama, however, Van Jones has no problem admitting that he is a communist. In fact, in an interview with the East Bay Express, Jones said he first became radicalized in the wake of the Rodney King riots. By August, I was a communist. In he announced the establishment of "Green For All. Jones also wrote a book called, "The Green Collar Economy.