Student interprofessional health games

In fact, another student and I were able to implement one of our oral hygiene education programs into a first and second-grade classroom. Although the majors of the students who participated in the Interprofessional Collaborative Event were varied, one common experience was gratitude for dedicated instructors who provide real-life experiences to develop the skills graduates will need in the workplace. Dental Hygiene Program Director Lori McDonald said that the event will definitely happen in future years, helping students in these varied disciplines to learn collaborative skills and the ability to work together towards one common goal: patient-centered care.

By broadening the students' knowledge and awareness of the disciplines they were working with, it helped them to gain mutual respect, trust, and communication skills for the other disciplines. The primary goal with interprofessional collaboration is to work together as a team that is respectful of all members, share common goals and responsibilities, communicate effectively This event opportunity is for the students accepted into these programs to prepare them for their professions in the workforce.

TMCC News. Rebecca A. Procedure of IPE program development and implementation With the consultation of two professors from schools of medicine, one professor from a school of nursing, one professor from a school of pharmacy, and one medical education specialist, we developed an IPE program. Open in a separate window. Instruments 1 Perceptions towards Interprofessional Education Seventeen questions that measure perceptions towards IPE were developed after reviewing relevant studies [ 19 ] and verifying the content for validity with the consultation of two IPE experienced medical education specialists.

Data analysis First, t-test was conducted to prove the effectiveness of the IPE program by comparing groups.

Results 1. Analysis of IPE program effectiveness 1 Perceptions towards Interprofessional Education To test the homogeneity between the intervention group and the control group, t-test was conducted based on the recorded pretest scores. Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Analysis on the Perception towards Interprofessional Competency. SD: Standard deviation. Satisfaction with the IPE program The intervention group was administered a second survey for the purpose of measuring their level of satisfaction with the program Table 5.

Table 5. Satisfaction with the IPE Program. Items No. The purpose of the program was clearly explained to the students. It was desirable to implement the program for final year students. The program featured an adequate amount of running time. The overall program was well designed. The objective of the program was achieved. The role-play was an effective tool for achieving some program objectives. The program was helpful for understanding the importance of teamwork. The program was helpful for understanding the value of IPE.

The program was helpful for understanding the roles and responsibilitiesof other health professionals. The program was helpful for understanding the competency required for collaboration and communication among doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. The instructors played a role in promoting collaboration among healthcare students. The instructors provided useful feedback to students. Overall, I am satisfied with the program. This program should be provided to future students.

I will participate in other programs with similar objectives. Discussion Even though IPE in the healthcare field is drawing more attention and the awareness for its need is growing, actual cases of implementing the program are rare. Acknowledgments None. Conflicts of interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. References 1. Interprofessional education: a review and analysis of programs from three academic health centers. Acad Med.

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