You may also conduct a DL or ID transaction by telephone or by mail. These photo ID cards are official documents that are used to prove a person's identity. A Commercial Driver License CDL authorizes an individual to operate a commercial motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used to transport passengers or property.
Individuals applying for a Commercial Driver License should recognize that this is a professional license with more testing requirements than other licenses. Select here to learn about the requirements to obtain a CDL. Saturday appointments for Commercial Driver License services are available at select offices for the month of December. View the recent press release for additional information. The Texas Department of Public Safety is committed to creating a faster, easier and friendlier driver license experience.
Select here to find the most common topics that customers inquire about. Driver License. The DRP was passed by the state legislature back in and is responsible for assessing fees for various driver-related offenses. This is the same program that also directed the Texas Department of Public Safety to begin administering this special program.
All revenue that is generated by the DRP goes to a variety of sources, including emergency medical services, the general revenue fund, and trauma centers. The TDPS will also offer lower payments to those individuals who have had their licenses suspended and who are also currently in default on their surcharges.
Service fees will also still apply. Surcharges are in addition to all other reinstatement fees required for other administrative actions and do not replace any administrative suspension, revocation, disqualification or cancellation action that results from these same convictions. The Texas Department of Public Safety will offer lower payments to individuals who have been suspended and are in default on their surcharges.
Service fees will still apply. Any payments already made will be applied to the reduced amount, and if prior payments are more than the reduced amount due, no payment will be required. Prior payments more than the reduced amount due will not be refunded. The amnesty reduction does not apply to any other fees that you may owe the Department.
Only the surcharge is forgiven, service fees and fines must still be paid in full. Those eligible for the Amnesty Program are anyone who had a surcharge assessed between Sept. The surcharges meeting the above criteria must be in default before the amnesty period. Trooper Fulton said this will help protect you from those who are behind the wheel illegally.
By these people being able to get cleared up and get insurance now, hopefully, this program is going to help us have less uninsured drivers out on the road," Trooper Fulton said. Those who are still making their payments or incurred surcharges after are still on the hook. An incentive program is planned for those who have been making payments on time, which would reduce the amount they owe during the second and third years, but no definite timetable has been announced.
To apply for the Amnesty Program beginning January 17, , see the surcharge website at www. No requests will be accepted by mail, email or fax.