In this step, we first select the items that need a pricing change. We have options to select items based on a range of preferred vendors, a range of item numbers, by item group, by manufacturer, or by item properties.
If choosing items or vendors by range, remember to pick both a beginning and end of a range. For example, if you only want item A, you need to choose From A to A or else if you choose from A you will get all items that follow such as A and so on.
This window also allows us to exclude items that are unpriced or inactive. In our example, the sales manager wants to change prices for the items manufactured by Rainbow, while excluding any unpriced or inactive items. Then we choose Next to go to the second part of the Selection Criteria step. Within the Selection Criteria step, you also need to change the types of prices you wish to change. First we choose the price list or price lists we want to include.
In our example the sales manager wants to change all the sales price lists except the Web price list. To do this, we chooses the Browse button to open the Price Lists window to select multiple price lists. Another option on this window allows you to decide whether you are changing prices for the primary currency or for additional currencies. In our example, we only want to change prices in the primary currency. A third option within the price selection window is which units of measure prices should be included in the change.
You can choose to include only the manual unit of measure group, only other unit of measure groups or both types of unit of measure groups. When you choose other or both, the Units of Measure window will open. Here you can choose to update prices inventory units of measure or specific units. The third step in the wizard is view a simulation of the price changes. You can view the simulation by Items or by Price Lists. If you view by Items, you can choose which items to update. If you view by Price List, you can choose whether or not to update that price list, but not choose specific items to include or exclude within the price list.
You can expand or collapse the report and move between pages. If the simulation shows you something you would like to change, you can use the Back button to go back to previous steps to make changes.
The final step is to select the checkbox for the rows you wish to change, and then choose Execute. You will receive a message that warns you that if other users are making changes to the database, you may receive different results than shown in the simulation.
In general, it is a best practice to make changes with the pricing wizard during times you know that other users will not be updating prices.
Once you choose Execute, you cannot reverse the changes. The fourth step of the wizard displays the results of your changes. You can view information on what has changed with a date and time. If there are errors, you will see them as well.
We saw before that making individual changes in a price list causes the system to set the manual checkbox. The manual checkbox is also set for changes to item prices when using the prices update wizard.
Currently the discount price list is based on the base price list with a factor of 0. The sales manager wants to change the factor for the accessories item group to 0. This option allows us the ability to change both the factor of a price list, and if we want, the price list that is used as a base pricelist.
Once you choose the Base Price List option, you have the choice of both the current or a new base price list. If you choose Current Base Price List, the base price list remains the same and you can choose a new factor. This is what we would do in example 3. We want to keep the base price list but just adjust the factor.
Or you can choose a different price list as a new base. You can pick any existing price list as the base. Another option is to base a price list on itself. Typically you would do this when you no longer want to have a price list automatically updated. Once you choose Same as Target and a factor of 1, you can maintain that price list directly either in the wizard or directly in the price list window. In example 4, you have a sales price list that you would like to reuse for some new international customers.
Currently the price list has prices in 3 currencies — one main currency and two additional ones. You need to a fourth currency for this price list. You can choose the Convert to option. If the price of the component item Chocolate is changed to GBP 0. In this scenario, the Update Parent Item Prices Globally will return the system message because it cannot detect a price change for that item in the price list as selected in the Update Parent Item prices Globally - Selection Criteria window.
If the price list is now updated corresponding to the price defined in the BOM the Update Parent Item Prices Globally will return results for those BOMs where the price of the component does not match the price defined in the price list.
This now corresponds to the price defined for the item in the Chocolate Chip Muffin BOM as seen in the previous screenshot. This is because there is no difference between the price defined for the component Chocolate in the BOM and that defined for the item in the Base Price list. Alternatively, the price of the component item should be returned to its original state and it will then appear in the Update Parent Item Prices Globally result.
Another reason the system message No parent item prices to be updated found [Message ] may be displayed when running the Update Parent Item Prices Globally is due to the selection criteria used. In particular, the incorrect use of the options Parent Items or Component Items in the selection criteria window may cause the message to display. Component Items When selected, the system looks at the named component items and returns the parent items based on the price changes made to these component items.
Parent When selected, the system looks at the components of the named parent items and returns those BOMs where a component item price has changed in its corresponding price list. Use these processing options to control system processing and system updates, and to specify versions. These processing options specify whether to update costs, exchange rates, and intercompany exchange rates on sales orders.
Specify whether the system updates the cost on a sales order. The system updates a cost change to the original sales order entry line. Costs are updated only if inventory has not been relieved from inventory.
Values are:. Specify whether the system updates the currency exchange rate. When the currency exchange rate is updated, only domestic prices and foreign costs are recalculated. These processing options specify whether the system updates the price on a sales order, defines the effective date used to update prices, and retains the sales order price effective date. Specify whether the system updates the price on a sales order. Specify whether the system retains the sales order's override price effective date or price effective date from the preference.
These processing options specify whether the system creates a new line and status for the price change, updates price based on the quantity or split quantity, and handles free goods on the original sales order. Specify whether the system creates a new line that details the extended price difference of a sales order line that has a price change.
Line Type: Update change to new sales order line using the specified line type. Specify a next status for the new order detail line. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the original detail-line next-status. Specify whether the price is based on the original line quantity or the current line quantity.
When a sales order detail line is split, the user can update the price of the split lines based on the quantity of the original detail line before it was split. For example, a sales order line is entered for a quantity of The customer wants to ship two items to location A, and the other eight to location B. The original line is split into two sales order lines. No free good processing occurs. Even new free goods are not awarded.
This processing option controls the version that the system uses when calling the Sales Order Entry program. Select a version of the Sales Order Entry program that the system uses to update sales order price and costs. You use the Item Sales Price Level Conversion program R to change the sales price level of an item or a group of items that you have previously entered in the Item Master table F You can run this program in proof or final mode.
You should always run the Item Sales Price Level Conversion program in proof mode first to identify errors. The program generates a report that displays any problems the system encounters during sales price level conversions. You can correct these errors before you run the program in final mode. The Item Sales Price Level Conversion program deletes all price records at the previous level and creates new price records at the new level. You should not attempt to access the Item Master or Item Base Price File tables when this program is running in final mode.
Use these processing options to control how the system processes data. These processing options control whether the system runs in proof or final mode, defines the price level that is being changed, prints an exception report, and deletes expired records.
Specify whether the system runs in proof or final mode. Final mode updates the files. Specify whether the system deletes expired records or keeps them for history purposes. This section provides an overview of new base prices in a different currency and discusses how to:. This program generates new base prices based on existing records.
For example, use this program if the company is about to conduct business with a customer who uses a currency in which you do not have base price records. If you must create a new price for an individual record, update the existing record on the Base Price Revisions form.
You do not have to run this program. More specifically, the program:. It does not create a price record for a currency if the record exists. The exception to this rule is when currency codes that are associated with an item have different effective through dates. Depending on the dates, the program might create multiple price records. Review the audit report to ensure that the records are accurate. If the audit report is not accurate, change the processing option and data selection values accordingly and rerun the program in proof mode.
When you are satisfied with the audit report that is created in proof mode, run the program in final mode. Review the new base price records on the audit report. You can also review new records on the Base Price Revisions form. Notice that the amounts are rounded according to the decimal places that are set up in the data dictionary for Unit Price UPRC.
If necessary, adjust the new base price records manually on the Base Price Revisions form. For example, if the program creates a new base price for 50, JPY as This example describes an item with base price records before and after you generate a new base price in a different currency.
Even though several currency amounts are associated with the item, the program generates only one new EUR amount based on the USD price. The original 1, The existing item has new base price records:. After the system generates the new price record for 1, Use these processing options to control the processing mode and specify the currency data when running this program.
These processing options specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode and determine the date to use when the system generates new price records. An audit report is generated in both modes.