And you love peppermint patties. Suppose Caryn lets you decide who goes first. Who should you choose in order to make sure you win the peppermint patty? Finally, the Great American Rail-Trail across the whole country is complete! But just after the opening ceremony, your assistant reminds you that the metal you used for the handrail expands slightly in summer, so that its length will increase by one inch in total.
How much higher will pedestrians in the middle of the country have to reach in summer to grab the handrail? That is, in the figure below, what is h?
For the purposes of this question, ignore the curvature of the Earth and assume the trail is a straight line. Pythagoras is a fascinating historical figure. Every afternoon, Amanda leaves the house at the same time, drives to the school at a constant speed, picks Matt up exactly when his chess club ends at 5 p.
After Matt has been scooting for an hour, Amanda comes across him in her car on her usual route to pick him up , and they return together, arriving home 40 minutes earlier than they usually do. How much chess practice did Matt miss? Three movie stars, Chloe, Lexa, and Jon, are filming a movie in the Amazon.
One day, after filming a scene deep in the rainforest, the three actors and their agents decide to head back to home base by foot. Suddenly, they come to a large river. The catch? So how can they all get across the river? Conway is the inventor of one of my favorite legendary problems not for the faint of heart and, famously, the Game of Life.
I created this problem in his honor. The only clue she found was a letter written from her grandfather to her grandmother on the day her mother was born. The length of the line does not reflect the number of smudged characters. Little did I know when I headed to work this Monday morning, that by evening we would have a beautiful baby girl. And on our wedding anniversary, no less! Happy eighth anniversary, my love.
Imagine you have a very long belt. He brags his belt is longer by exactly his height: 6 feet. Does anyone have a list of outlier logic games and LR questions from PT ? For those writing in September but don't have the time to go thro…. Is there a comprehensive list of all the 'unorthodox' or unique logic games?
If not, would anyone like to start one here? Thanks a ton! November in Logic Games karma. Anybody have a list of the hardest logic games in history of the LSAT? Preferably from PTs 52 and on. Show Related Discussions. List of which Logic Games are included in which Homeworks? If the weight is off by one hundredth of an ounce then it is the first set that is faulty, if the weight is off by two hundred of an ounce then it is the second set which is faulty, etc Ten people land on a deserted island.
There they find lots of coconuts and a monkey. During their first day they gather coconuts and put them all in a community pile. After working all day they decide to sleep and divide them into ten equal piles the next morning.
That night one castaway wakes up hungry and decides to take his share early. After dividing up the coconuts he finds he is one coconut short of ten equal piles. He also notices the monkey holding one more coconut. So he tries to take the monkey's coconut to have a total evenly divisible by However when he tries to take it the monkey conks him on the head with it and kills him.
Later another castaway wakes up hungry and decides to take his share early. After dividing them up into nine piles he is again one coconut short and tries to take the monkey's slightly bloodied coconut.
The monkey conks the second man on the head and kills him. One by one each of the remaining castaways goes through the same process, until the 10th person to wake up gets the entire pile for himself. What is the smallest number of possible coconuts in the pile, not counting the monkeys? LCM would give the least number which is divisible by all of these number and subtracting one would give us the number of coconuts which were initially there.
There are twenty coins sitting on the table, ten are currently heads and tens are currently tails. You are sitting at the table with a blindfold and gloves on. You are able to feel where the coins are, but are unable to see or feel if they heads or tails.
You must create two sets of coins. Each set must have the same number of heads and tails as the other group. You can only move or flip the coins, you are unable to determine their current state. How do you create two even groups of coins with the same number of heads and tails in each group? Solution: Create two sets of ten coins. Flip the coins in one of the sets over, and leave the coins in the other set alone.
The first set of ten coins will have the same number of heads and tails as the other set of ten coins. The original article can be downloaded here.
You can read about making this puzzle even harder on the Physics arXiv Blog. From a large number of highest rated puzzles at Calcudoku. Easily the hardest was the Killer Sudoku shown above, published on the 9th of November You can solve this puzzle right here.
This type of puzzle first appeared in a book by Russian computer scientist Mikhail Moiseevich Bongard in To solve the above puzzle, published on Harry Foundalis' website, you have to find a rule that the 6 patterns on the left hand side conform to. The 6 patterns on the right do not conform to this rule. For example, the first problem on this page has as a solution: all patterns on the left are triangles.
A Calcudoku is similar to a Killer Sudoku, except that 1 any operation can be used to compute the result of a "cage" not only addition , 2 the puzzle can be any square size, and 3 the Sudoku rule of requiring the numbers Calcudoku was invented by Japanese math teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto , who called it "Kashikoku naru" "smartness".
You can give it a try right here. If you're not up for solving it yourself, check out this step-by-step solving analysis by "clm". Design a storage system that encodes 24 information bits on 8 disks of 4 bits each, such that:.
In other words, if every operation takes a nanosecond, the function can be computed in 5 nanoseconds. One can recover the original 24 bits even after any 2 of the 8 disks crash making them unreadable and hence loosing 2 nibbles. IBM Research has been publishing very challenging monthly puzzles since May on their Ponder this page.