Windows 7 rdp desktop composition

You can use the memory-to-committed bytes performance counter to monitor how much committed virtual memory is on the system. We highly recommend that you exclude from the active monitoring list all the folders that hold temporary files, especially those that services and other system components generate. Task Scheduler lets you examine the list of tasks that are scheduled for different events. For an RD Session Host server, it is useful to focus specifically on the tasks that are configured to run on idle, at user sign-in, or on session connect and disconnect.

Because of the specifics of the deployment, many of these tasks might be unnecessary. Notification icons on the desktop can have fairly expensive refreshing mechanisms.

You should disable any notifications by removing the component that registers them from the startup list or by changing the configuration on apps and system components to disable them. You can use Customize Notifications Icons to examine the list of notifications that are available on the server. Three values are possible:. Optimized to use less memory Consumes the least amount of memory per session but has the lowest compression ratio and therefore the highest bandwidth consumption.

Balances memory and network bandwidth Reduced bandwidth consumption while marginally increasing memory consumption approximately KB per session. Optimized to use less network bandwidth Further reduces network bandwidth usage at a cost of approximately 2 MB per session.

If you want to use this setting, you should assess the maximum number of sessions and test to that level with this setting before you place the server in production. You can also choose to not use a Remote Desktop Protocol compression algorithm, so we only recommend using it with a hardware device designed to optimize network traffic.

Even if you choose not to use a compression algorithm, some graphics data will be compressed. Generally, device redirection increases how much network bandwidth RD Session Host server connections use because data is exchanged between devices on the client computers and processes that are running in the server session.

The extent of the increase is a function of the frequency of operations that are performed by the applications that are running on the server against the redirected devices.

You can redirect printers in two ways:. Matching printer driver-based redirection when a driver for the printer must be installed on the server. Earlier releases of Windows Server used this method. Introduced in Windows Server , Easy Print printer driver redirection uses a common printer driver for all printers.

We recommend the Easy Print method because it causes less CPU usage for printer installation at connection time. The matching driver method causes increased CPU usage because it requires the spooler service to load different drivers. For bandwidth usage, Easy Print causes slightly increased network bandwidth usage, but not significant enough to offset the other performance, manageability, and reliability benefits.

Audio redirection causes a steady stream of network traffic. Audio redirection also enables users to run multimedia apps that typically have high CPU consumption. By default, Remote Desktop Connection RDC automatically chooses the right experience setting based on the suitability of the network connection between the server and client computers. On the client computer you can configure desktop composition on the Experience tab in Remote Desktop Connection RDC or by using the "allow desktop composition" setting in a Remote Desktop Protocol.

In addition the client computer must have the necessary hardware to support Windows Aero features. Note: Additional configuration might be necessary on the remote computer to make Windows Aero features available for remote desktop sessions.

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The client interprets these commands and renders the desktop. The composition commands lead to increased bandwidth consumption. Sign up to join this community.


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