I misplaced the original floppy that would have kicked off the Windows 3. It seemed to work OK. After I go through the Windows installation, reboot and try to launch Windows, the Windows for Workgroups 3. Any suggestions? I did that once, but don't remember how I did it. It was quite awesome though, from boot to desktop about 5 seconds or less. Makes me think of how much faster xp or vista or 7 will boot 20 years from now on those computers when we are at Windows XXVI or something.
It goes all the way back to I think Dos 5. Here are the other things you will need to get networking and sound and cdrom etc working on your virtual machine. Don't plan on surfing many websites though -- most of them don't work with the old browsers anymore ; And there is a driver you will need to enable x as well.. Off the top do not recall where I found that info -- but its easy enough to find, just google it. I threw up a little bit just looking at that age-old UI again..
There was also a Macintosh version of IE 5 which was based on a different code base, using a different rendering engine. You ain't seen nothing yet. This is one of the colour schemes for Windows 3.
Notes: Windows For Workgroups Windows 3. My first setup floppy is unreadable and I need a dos vm for a legacy app Microsoft Network I created a floppy image that includes the following tools and drivers Ms Windows 3. Download Windows 3. Network interface card installation. Make windows 3. A windows for I have a lot of Windows 3.
EXE Wallpaper from Windows 3. EXE Customizing Windows 3. SYS from the Windows 3. EXE Windows 3. EXE Media Player2 v5. EXE from Windows 2. EXE Win32s v1. EXEfrom Microsoft Office 4. RLE for Windows 3. EXE for Windows 3.
EXE Microsoft Win32s version 1. EXE Windows for Workgroups 3.