If you are going to use it on more than one machine, you will need a separate license for each computer. In case you have any difficulties, product materials can be found in our Knowledge Base. Be sure to check out our other documentation.
You can also post questions on our discussion boards. Free, hour technical support is available. Refer to the Technical Support Site to see all support options. It seems that our new website is incompatible with your current browser's version.
To view our complete website, simply update your browser now or continue anyway. Disk Director. Buy now. Try now. Disk cloning. Full Specifications. What's new in version Release July 8, Date Added July 7, Version Operating Systems. Additional Requirements None. Total Downloads , Downloads Last Week Report Software. Related Software. Manage your hard drive partitions and improve their performance.
TeraCopy Free. News Flash: Version 2 now reads the file tables directly dramatically improving DB creation speed! If you have mapped network or encrypted drives a popup will ask which ones to include in the database. Those drives Recovery Explorer Professional 9. Recovery Explorer Professional is a feature-packed software application for access and recovery of files in various cases of data loss or file system damage, easy comprehensible for both technical experts and home users.
UFS Explorer Professional Recovery combines advanced disk reading and data recovery techniques with extensive means for processing defective storage media and manipulations with binary data. Superb disk utility for speeding up laptops and prolonging the life of their hdd. I would say best inventory software for small shops or stores. Never found an app like this before. Thanks Download ConyEdit for Windows reshim - Dec 3, Programmers feel the comfort of coding using ConyEdit which is capable to edit codes in batch mode and supports most of programming language.
Disc Cover Studio harish - Dec 19, No need to go for a professional designer for the cover of new record, you can do it on your own sitting at home PC adding your own image on it with the Disc Cover Studio.
Kaspersky Security Scanner Anthony - Oct 12, The following disk operations can be committed only if each volume on the disk is not larger than MB: MBR to GPT and vice versa disk conversion; Basic to dynamic and vice versa disk conversion; Clone basic disk; you can proportionally increase the volumes on the target disk, but none of them will exceed MB.
The Server license is required for server operating systems, the Workstation license for other operating systems. Support for Windows Server Support for native 4K disks disks that report a 4 KB logical sector size. Previously, only byte emulation disks e were supported.