Open Windows Explorer and change its settings to display all file name extensions. To do this, perform the following: On the Tools menu, select Folder Options. Next, on the View tab, clear the Hide extensions for known file types check box. Restart your computer-this step helps in ensuring that no Acrobat file is being used on your computer.
Here, right-click on the AcroTray. Close Task Manager. Restart the computer. After the computer restarts, delete the PDF. Exit the Command Prompt window and reboot the system. Though it is slightly different to version 6 you will not have any problems adapting to the new version. As it's the current product there is no possibility of a work around to the problems created once the Patient DBase exceeds 14 GIG.
These are estimated dates and are very rarely stuck to as other things crop up that take precedence and to be perfectly honest Adobe 6 is getting fairly old now so an upgrade wouldn't go astray and you'll know that any problems that develop will be fixed as fast as possible with the new version where as the older versions only get looked at when there is time available. OH Smeg, You're right I should just relieve my agony with being forced to upgrade rather than waiting on an empty promise.
Thanks for the feedback. I have precisely the same Inspiron and the same problem and so far no solution. I guess Adobe wants us to buy the new 8 version , just downloaded the free 8 reader and no problems with Vista. However the reader version has very limited capability I. E can not combine docs. Vanveen, It's nice to know I'm not the only one, even though I was certain others had to be experiencing the same issue.
Lesson learned, I should research more into the pros and cons of upgrading my platforms before actually doing it That's not the answer I was looking for, but it's good advice, nonetheless Happy trails!
Yes no idea how long we might have to wait for Vista compatible software. I have been thinking of taking a giant leap in to the darkness with my shiny new Inspiron That is , to reformat the whole thing with Windows XP Professional. However reading other forum comments that could get me in to even more trouble with a Dell Vista preinstalled So I think I will wait a bit before I try that. Cheers, Peter. Check the following link for yourself That was good information , looks like Adobe is showing very little interest in getting their older XP software compatible with Vista.
Your options are purchase Acrobat 8 or Acrobat 9 upgrade or full. If you obtain 8. If you obtain 9. Registered: Jun 16 Posts: 2. Once installed, choose this as the printer to create a. You won't be able to print directly to Adobe Acrobat 6. When you print to Primo it is a little more combersome until you get used to it, but you will be able to create.