Aerojet sacramento programs

Aerojet employees left work for the first time Monday with the startling announcement. As they drove past the company gates, one stopped for a brief interview. The site that houses Aerojet has been in use since the s. The company moved its headquarters from Sacramento to Southern California last year in a move that foreshadowed its latest relocation plan. Five Year Accident History During the past five years, Aerojet had no accidents or incidents approaching the severity thresholds described in the Federal RMP regulations.

The few incidents at processes covered by the RMP regulation were minor, and lessons learned from them have been applied to future operations. Emergency Response Program Overall safety at the Aerojet Sacramento site is a function not only of programs to prevent accidental releases from occurring, but also of programs to mitigate the effects of accidental releases should they occur. The Aerojet Sacramento site has an emergency response program that is designed to protect lives, the environment, and property in the area.

Key features of this program include: - An industrial fire brigade present on site 24 hours a day, days a year, - An on-call HAZMAT response team composed of Aerojet personnel, - Alarms that terminate in a central station monitored at all times by security personnel, - An emergency operation center with real-time dispersion modeling capability, - Membership in the regional LEPC Local Emergency Planning Commission , - Periodic tours by community responders, and - Periodic drills and exercises.

Decades of experience have demonstrated that these features, combined with the prevention activities previously mentioned, assure that chemical releases, if they occur, will be limited in scope and duration.

Additional Comments The foundation of an effective prevention program is realistic assessment of process and chemical risks. Our RMP includes both worst-case release scenarios and alternative release scenarios. The alternative release scenarios were identified through careful review of operational safeguards, hazard analyses, and more than 45 years of experience. They represent credible events that can be thought of as?

Coupled with realistic weather conditions, dispersion modeling indicates that there would be no off-site impacts from these scenarios. The worst-case scenarios require unrealistic assumptions about release quantities, release mechanisms, response actions and meteorological conditions. Aerojet therefore maintains that these worst-case scenarios do not permit accurate risk determinations.

Planned Changes to Improve Safety Liquid engine testing at the Sacramento site has declined in recent years and that trend is expected to continue. The anticipated result is a further reduction in the inventories of the three materials mentioned above. These reductions may also be enhanced by consolidation of engine testing activities into fewer locations.

Home Press Databases Contact. Back to search 1. For more information, please contact Alex MacDonald at alex. This is the first Aerojet Rocketdyne update. Future updates will take place at least once per quarter depending on changes in activities.

We will attempt to keep the use of acronyms to a minimum. Water is a precious resource in California, and maintaining its quality is of utmost importance to safeguard the health of the public and the environment. Website Accessibility Certification. Aerojet Rocketdyne Update. The company also had an artificial heart research program, which was spun off in the mids as Nimbus Inc. Aerojet employees formed a number of other enterprises, such as Clean Energy Systems, launched in to apply Rudi Beichel's ideas for developing steam power using rocket technology.

A slowdown in defense spending soon resulted in layoffs and factory closings. During the year, the company traded 5, acres in the Everglades to the federal government for 53, acres near its testing site in Nevada. However, the booster rocket replacement program was canceled by Congress in October Aerojet was researching a cleaner, nitrate-based oxidizer for solid rocket motors, which until then left a noxious trail of hydrogen chloride exhaust.

Aerojet announced a reorganization in May Its two Sacramento propulsion units were combined into the Aerojet Propulsion Division. Aerojet's satellite technology was used to detect Iraq's Scud missile launches during the Persian Gulf War. Aerojet also supplied cluster bombs for the war effort; in it and the only other supplier, Alliant Techsystems Inc. In , Aerojet unveiled a refueling system for natural gas vehicles.

It used mobile fuel tanks constructed of high-tech composite materials. Aerojet employed 5, people in the early s. The company trimmed 1, jobs in ; cutbacks at NASA resulted in the layoffs of another workers in Portions of the munitions business were sold to Olin Corporation of Stamford, Connecticut.

In December , GenCorp announced it would sell the rest of Aerojet as well. At the time, Aerojet had 1, employees at its electronics plant in Azusa, California, and 1, at its propulsion plant near Sacramento. The sale of Aerojet was not completed, however. Aerojet was developing new lines of business in the late s. The company had won contracts to supply fuselage panels for the new F Raptor fighter, but the long-running Peacekeeper missile program was canceled.

Aerojet Fine Chemicals was one of Aerojet's fastest growing new ventures. The unit manufactured chemicals for pharmaceutical companies. GenCorp bought back ownership of Aerojet Fine Chemicals one year later.

A space propulsion joint venture with United Technologies Corp.


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