Apps for sony ericsson txt pro free

That caused us quite a bit of grief, trying to guess where each file should go. What is this, the early s? The unit we're testing is a pre-production one, so things might get better, but we're not counting on buttery smooth performance. The Friends app is one of the highlights of the Sony Ericsson txt pro. It is sort of like those SNS-enabled, tabbed phonebooks that we've seen on custom Android skins. It has five tabs - call log, list of SMS messages, a tab each for Twitter and Facebook updates and finally some options to manage the contact.

It's great in principle, but it only supports up to five contacts and no more, which some might find limiting. Anyway, each contact is represented by their contact photo - the five are always visible at the top of the app and you can tap them to switch to that contact.

The second homescreen holds the five contact photos that work as shortcuts - there are no status updates displayed there. The Friends app supports up to five friends and their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Facebook status updates can be "liked" and you can comment on them, but there's no way to post a status update of your own, the Friends app is purely for following. You can reply to tweets, but again, you can't send a new one from here. There are conspicuous Go to Facebook and Go to Twitter buttons available - there are even Facebook and Twitter shortcuts in the menu - but unfortunately they all lead to the mobile site of the respective social network, viewed inside the native browser.

That overall is an unattractive, barely usable option that we're not happy with. Facebook's mobile site in the native browser is not pretty. Facebook recently released an official Java-based app, which looks very much like the Android app and works great on a touch screen. It supports most of Facebook's features Chat is missing though , including things that the Friends app can't do like viewing your friends' galleries.

You can even add and manage Facebook apps, which are an easy way to add a lot of functionality to the basic app. The Facebook Java app is great.

If you are into Facebook, the Facebook Java app is a best way to access it on the Sony Ericsson txt pro. The txt pro also comes with Google Talk and Picasa apps - something you'd expect from an Android, but on a feature phone, they are a nice extra.

Whatsapp doesn't support Java. Jashan, 15 Aug Wattapps Nic phone. I will be I don't know how to delete the apps on the txt pro, so can anybody tell me please?? I will be very grateful! AnonD, 03 Mar hej i want sony ericsson all are telling lie. Azeem, 22 Nov I buy it in and today i still using it only for messaging, music, and so on.

I dont think I buy it in and today i still using it only for messaging, music, and so on. I dont think it bad phone because the battery life is so long.. I also using zenfone 5 but battery life is suck. Tell a Friend. Your Comments.

Add to Favourite. The Sony Ericsson Pro is a able erect slider phone meant at recurrent texters. It as well by design backs up friends online and has abundance of media capabilities. In short: customer beware. A immense phone we had the chance to review is the Sony Ericsson Pro TXT , a phone that was conceived to race the mobile phone market. Person of dimension x 59 x 15 mm although weighting just g, this phone has a ideal design. This mobile phone arrives with a mAh Li Ion battery, enabling a talking time of 3.

Sony Ericsson has come up with a device that is fortified with the best of mobile exchange of ideas, union and fun features.


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