Whether your child goes back to school in June or September they will be wondering what it will be like when they return. This short story is designed to address the practical components of returning to school as well as the social and emotional concerns they may have. There is also an opportunity for them to interact with the story with some pictures they can colour.
Island Health Absenteeism Reporting Form Completion of this online form will help Island Health Communicable Disease Program monitor for seasonal influenza and other diseases in the community. This online form is to be completed by the school principal or designate on each day when the school absenteeism rate is significantly increased. If you would like to apply for a free medical bracelet please contact your school office to receive a brochure. For more information Visit the Medic Alert website or email mjones sd Bruce Minnes, associate director of the division of pediatric emergency medicine at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children, said MedicAlert bracelets make the work of paramedics, nurses and doctors a lot easier because they provide crucial information when time is of the essence.
Minnes said the No Child Without program is a welcome initiative because children today are so mobile. The bracelets feature a wide variety of information, identifying chronic conditions such as autism and sickle cell anemia, serious medical issues such as cancer or heart disease, as well as allergies, including vital information about sensitivity to medications. Sara Shannon, whose year-old daughter Sabrina died of a severe allergic reaction after eating in the school cafeteria in , said she is also a strong supporter of the new initiative.
She noted that Sabrina had a MedicAlert bracelet but was not wearing it the day of her death. Shannon said. She stressed, however, that distributing MedicAlert bracelets to children with life-threatening conditions is not enough. She said children need to be educated, school personnel need to be trained to use epinephrine auto-injectors medication used to treat anaphylaxis and rules need to be put in place to protect children from exposure to foods that pose a risk.
In other words, Ms. Shannon said, every province should enact Sabrina's Law. I don't think so. A light breakfast of toast, juice or milk, and fruit will be available upon arrival at school, from — There is no cost or obligation to parents and all students are welcome to participate, but a permission form needs to be filled out and returned to the school if you wish your child to participate in the program.
Thank you! The No Child Without program offers a free Medic Alert membership to students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th birthday.