Contact Us Reservations. Sign up for our E-Newsletter! Geared for students in Kindergarten through Fifth grade, High Touch High Tech after school programs provide science experiments that spark the interest and imagination of your students and generate ideas for science fair projects. Children learn best by participating in activities that they love most and our after school enrichment programs are a great way to inspire a lifelong love of science.
Designed to be educational, entertaining and fun, our programs support students academically by providing high quality enrichment activities. We expose program participants to new experiences and give them a sense of confidence to do things they have never tried before. Our Scientists attentively listen to and encourage students to contribute their own ideas and opinions through interactive dialogue.
Each participant is provided with the opportunity to be a real scientist performing real science experiments. I am a high school science teacher and love that you give these opportunities for young kids! My son has attended the Mad Science after-school programs every year starting from Kindergarten! We love how excited he has been after each class to tell us about the cool things his Mad Scientist did!
We can't wait to do it again this year! When I pick up my son from school on Fridays, his energy is different from any other day. Instead of the usual response to my questioning of his day's experience - "it was fine"- I hear an enthusiastic stream of science facts and stories of experiments. When we get home, he demonstrates what he's done with the kits Mad Science gives him to take home. Thank You Mad Science!!
Ready to register for an after-school program? Find Your Local Mad Science. All programs are geared for the Kindergarten through Fifth grade student. We can provide as many programs as necessary to meet the needs of your school.
Upon completion of the field trip, students receive a cool science certificate and ALL programs provide create-and-keep experiments.
This includes 2 — 45 minute sessions. We can accommodate up to 22 students per session. Put on your safety goggles and join us for some chemistry craziness! Become an aspiring Entomologist with our coolest crawling activities yet! Have you ever seen through the eyes of a fly or made friends with a spider? Explore what makes lightening flash, and even taste a cloud! Dive into some amazing beachside science! Into an amazing exploration to discover what makes space so spectacular! Colors, colors, everywhere!