Security policy studies program george washington university

Norton, From January to January he was a William C. Foster Fellow at the U. Department of State, where he worked on initiatives for atrocities early warning and prevention in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.

He received his B. GW is committed to digital accessibility. Our mission is to advance scholarly research on international conflict and strengthen the field of security studies through graduate education; improve public understanding of key international security issues; and inform policy debates related to U.

ISCS is pleased to offer residential pre-doctoral fellowships for the academic year. These fellowships will provide funding to outstanding doctoral students whose dissertations are likely to make significant contributions in the field of international security studies. The application will remain open until January 31, ISCS welcomes visiting scholars whose research interests align with our mission of advancing scholarship and public understanding of international security issues.

Outside faculty, policy experts, and advanced Ph. GW is committed to digital accessibility. If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access content on this page, let us know via the Accessibility Feedback Form. Send Page to Printer. Download Page PDF. Overview Admissions Requirements. Program Director: J. Delinski The subject of homeland security is at the forefront of study by law enforcement officials, security professionals, military personnel, intelligence analysts , and government contractors.

Prior academic records: Transcripts are required from all institutions attended, whether or not credit was earned, the program was completed, or the credit appears as transfer credit on another transcript. Unofficial transcripts from all colleges and universities attended should be uploaded to your online application. Official transcripts are required only of applicants who are offered admission.

Transcripts from institutions outside the United States must be accompanied by an official transcript evaluation from an accredited independent evaluating agency.


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