Superstitions about birds tapping windows

Before you decide which on which line of thought to go with, we recommend that you read this article carefully. Most people believe that because of their flight power, birds roam the earth and heaven. It is believed that when a bird hits your window, it carries a message your departed dear in heaven that it seeks to convey.

In order to decipher the message, you will must pay close attention. In the olden days, when a bird flew into a house, it was interpreted to mean that death was knocking. In some cultures, it signified a fleeting life. To them, a bird was supposed to fly outside in the open air. The belief of a bird flying into a house meant death was more so with the Blackbird.

The Blackbird meant that the cruel hands of death had come to take a relative. Birds can act as messengers both in dreams and in reality. When a bird flies into your house it may mean that you are thinking a lot about finances. This can happen both in dreams and in reality.

This study found out that in the United States alone, approximately between and million birds die each year as a result of collisions with windows. Before thinking about the possible ways of preventing birds from hitting your window , first you have to note the time that this mostly happens. You will also have to take note of the window that is mostly hit by birds. Go outside and look at the window that is mostly hit by birds.

What do you see? How can you reduce the reflection in your windows? The tips below will helpful as you grapple with the menace and perpetual fear that comes with birds knocking on your window:. Bird collisions with your windows usually follow a certain pattern.

It happens at a certain time and on a particular window. This pattern is almost predictable. To break this pattern, you have to find out what birds see in the refection. Stand directly in front of the window at different times of the day under different light conditions.

Observe feeders to make a judgement on whether birds collide with windows as they fly from those directions. If yes, researchers agree that the feeder should be moved closer to the window. Basically, they bring bad luck just by hanging around. Ever since the Greek god Apollo's white crow turned black, this poor breed of animal has served as an omen of illness, death and other bad news.

Superstitious types believe that a crow hanging near the house means an unlucky future, while others agree it's a sure sign that someone in the house will die. Want to protect yourself during a crow sighting near the home? Forget what the neighbors will think and either bow to the crow or tip your hat to him, which should reduce your risk of disaster. If you happen to see a solitary crow, feel free to make a wish — some see a crow sitting alone as the ultimate good luck charm [source: Webster].

Some associate certain numbers of crows with either good or bad luck, and many link these bird-counting superstitions to the band Counting Crows. Interestingly enough, though, the band's name actually comes from a dire English proclamation that life is "as useless as counting crows" — which has nothing to do whatsoever with luck or superstition [source: Darling ]. In late October , all of the United Kingdom was put at risk when one clever fox managed to sneak into the Tower of London and devour two of the royal ravens.

The country and all its lands were saved thanks to some careful planning on the part of the ravens' minders, who had two spare birds on hand to ensure that at least six birds would always be present in the tower.

The expired birds, which went by the names of Jubilee and Grip, were quickly replaced with two more ravens, given these same names as tribute — ensuring Britannia would continue to stand strong. Sign up for our Newsletter! Mobile Newsletter banner close.

Mobile Newsletter chat close. Mobile Newsletter chat dots. Mobile Newsletter chat avatar. Mobile Newsletter chat subscribe. Wild Animals. Miscellaneous Birds. People have always imbued the lives and actions of birds with great meaning.

Ravens, especially those at the Tower of London, have captivated the popular imagination. Things Are Looking Up " ". Snow-capped peaks? Most avian-auto impacts involve small birds and windshields, but the large Australian cassowary can cause serious damage. Depending on the context, an albatross can signify good or bad luck according to superstition. Superstition holds that birdsong holds the secret to understanding the world. Goldfinch at the window? He's probably just fighting his reflection, not acting as a harbinger of doom.

Do the eyes on a peacock's tail signify anything other than natural beauty? Crow loitering around your crib? The bird has been at the center of many superstitions. According to folklore, if a bird flies into your home, it is a sign of hope and that an important message is on its way. However, if this bird is white or dead, then it is an omen of death. What does it mean when a bird comes to your window? But sometimes, the bird just hits the window and you should not concern yourself with superstitious if it flys off.

Of course, I believe "the bird" means something. As I have already said in the opening paragraph that the bird might have just crashed into your window because it could see the reflection of the sky in the window. At times, birds hit the window carrying a message that we need to overcome obstacles. I will say, that you should not mistake this omen as physical death.

In foklore, some books do say that it represents transition. Remember, even in the bible it states: when one door closes, another one opens for you. So the bird could be closing one door in your life and opening another one.

It could be that there is going to be an end to the suffering that you have been encountering of late the obstacle ; it could be an end to your own personal problems and now time to heal yourself.

It could be an end to a relationship which is not working for you or a job that is upsetting you. So the message of the bird hitting your window may signify an end but a new start is in store. A bird is symbolic of perspective and freedom. When a bird hits your window the spiritual meaning of the bird is something you need to take notice of. They can be a positive sign of great luck. Since time immemorial, birds are in folklore symbols to many cultures.

Now, to see one single bird that approaches your window peacefully or just sits and looks inside your home - in ancient times was thought to be a sign of the spirit of your dead loved ones.

In some folklore books, a bird hitting the window can mean an angel wants you to take notice. It could be that your angel is trying to communicate that they are around helping you, and watching over you or spiritually. Make sure you are aware of the day - it could be an anniversary when the bird appears. Look up the date, does this day or month mean something?

It is a lovely sign and you can use your intuition to get the right message from the bird. The message is of a loving nature. She also tore a few expensive Japanese silk wallpapers from the house when it was apparent that birds got incorporated into the design. Also, she got her bird fear from the day after her father shortly died after a bird flying in the house. Conventionally the sailors consider the sight of an albatross as a good luck sign, and it originates from early navigation days when the sailor thought seeing an albatross meant that the land was nearing.

They did know little about albatross lives a lot of years inside the sea without setting foot on the land! Birds ending up dead across the windshield of your car are believed a sure bad luck sign — for both birds and you as well.

Many believe that accidental bird-window can impact only zapping luck, while others would think this a death omen. Irrespective of what you believe in, it is an interesting thing to know that around 80 million birds in the U.

After all, as the birds somehow communicated with gods while flying above Earth, it made sense that they would offer helpful information for the stranded people no ground without a direct line to gods. Romans call it: Augury ; a word for describing the process of diving into the future through birds. Augur stood in a sacred spot, and faced east, then waited for seeing the way where the bird flew.

Birds with the right flight indicated good vibes, and the ones flying left encouraged caution. Birds flying towards diviner indicated good luck , while ones that flew away were considered to be less opportunistic.


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