Example of good grid-based strategy game? Game Design and Theory Game Design. Started by suliman June 09, PM. Hi Im stuck with my real-time battles and need examples of fun strategy game where you place units swordmen, archers etc on a grid to fight the enemy. Any such fun games exist? Cancel Save. Agony Yes maybe! Im looking into larger scale though. Would that make sense? But if units fight any lane, the point of having lanes at all is somewhat void.
You mean it will seem more realistic? Norman Barrows Rome2 - Battle Field map - Deployment phase. The benefit of the lanes is that it add the Strategy of games. The units can obtain special benefits when reach a certain spots end? So player have to palace units carefully in order to prevent enemies from reaching the spots and let his units reach the spots. But benefits of no lanes is more fierce of the battle. The units will fight with any other opponents to the end,that means not very important to place the units compared having the lanes.
Important is unit configuration If having the lanes, you could determine if the units in a lane can fight with the adjacent lanes or any lanes in attack range, and if they can obtain Extra superior in combined attacks. Some nice ideas. Thanks but feel free to add more if you want! DanglinBob This topic is closed to new replies. Josheir Play awesome 3D fighting games and work on your precision aiming with a bow to win every war and eliminate all other players.
Free bow and arrow games require high precision and accuracy. Practice in shooting arrows and improve your archery skills together with funny stickman characters. Shoot birds and deers and score as many points as possible to get betters bows and an unlimited number of arrows. Take a bow, choose the direction and strength of every shot and try to kill your opponent with only one arrow. She is unquestionably the best archer in Shining Force 2. Chester is one of the core cast members in Tales of Phantasia.
Most notably, Chester is the first archer in the Tales Of series. Chester is an argumentative and brash character which occasionally sets him up to be the butt of the joke , but he balances these traits by being loyal and caring. He also packs a wallop with the bow. You see, Tales of Phantasia took a very different approach with this archer. Chester does not have any special attacks. He is limited to a basic move-set. In order to compensate for this, Chester hits like a truck. Equip him with a good bow and never worry about him again.
Just sit back and watch the big numbers accumulate. Kasandra from Assassin's Creed: Oddysey belongs on this list for one reason alone. She possesses the ability to annihilate multiple opponents with a single, powerful shot of her longbow. That isn't to say that Kassandra doesn't have a bunch of tricks in her quiver - she does.
Her devastating shot ability allows her to do increased damage and knock enemies back, and her multishot ability allows her to peg multiple targets at the same time; these are all great skills.
However, once you unlock Kassandra's overpower bow strike, and level it up to its final tier, everything changes. The pure impact of this shot will demolish large groups of enemies. Often one is enough to kill. For that monstrous attack alone, Kassandra deserves a place among the greats. Ganyu is one of Genshin Impact' s best archers and there are a lot of them. She is a cryo elemental character who is effective at dealing with groups of enemies. Her best feature is her charged shot.
Not only does this attack deal excellent damage, but when fully charged it hits multiple enemies. Related: Genshin Impact Ganyu Trivia. Better yet, Ganyu's elemental skill pairs well with her charged shot, as her skill places an object that draws the attention of all the nearby enemies. Her ultimate attack creates a giant ice field that pummels enemies with giant icicles this ultimate also easily synchronizes with a variety of party members.
Her bow will have a chilling effect on your enemies' effectiveness. You can't have a fighting game without having a frustrating keep-away character, and keeping the opponent away from her is one of the many things Metera excels at in Granblue Fantasy Versus.
Metera has a number of abilities that help keep her opponents at a distance.