Try to stick to interactions that you know will succeed, because if an interaction fails, the score will fall. Basically, the more green plus signs you see, the higher the party score will be. Jeni Expert - 11 years ago 4 0. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Answered why cant my sims use the computer? Answered my sims 2 kiss interactions are gone?
Unanswered Why won't my teen grow up? Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Parties are started at the telephone. Just select it during decent hours and choose Throw Party and choose from the options available. There are four kinds of parties in The Sims 2 although later expansions give you more kinds. These options are. The next step is to choose who you want to attend the party. Choose from a list of sims you sim knows.
The maximum number is controlled by your computers RAM. Note that a sim won't attend simply because they were invited. They have to have a high daily with them.
This party score is raised and lowered by a variety of factors. The main factor is relationship change during the party. If it goes up, so does the score. If it goes down, the party score goes down with it. The change required to alter the score is based on the number of sims at the party. If you have a large number of sims, you'll need a large relationship boost to change the party.
Also, if you only invited two or three people, the relationship requirements are also changed. Otherwise it would be too easy. Another factor that contributes to the score is guest attendance. If some of them don't attend, it will be harder to achieve a high score for your party. The game will also tell you if sims aren't coming. If guests leave during the party, then the score will also take a reduction. The last thing that alters scores is special event parties.
If sims don't get married during a wedding or don't grow up during a birthday then it will be virtually impossible to achieve a high party score. This ensures everyone is on their way home by PM. Also, be prepared to entertain for the full five hours.
Try to throw parties when your household members are in a good mood and their motives are mostly full. This is the most important part — and the part most people neglect.
Have the members of your household interact with your guests as much as possible. Talking, joking, and group activities are best, but romance works to if applicable. As soon as your party starts, send each member of your household to greet a different guest. If your Sim lives alone, have him rotate through the guests, chatting and joking with them all as much as possible.
If you have group activities on the lot, have your household members start those and invite other guests to join.
Remember, having a good party depends on two things — socialization and fun! Decorating for a party is not required, but it does increase Environment Score, which may make your visitors stay longer. Balloons are a great choice.
If you have the Celebration Stuff pack, it includes a variety of items you can use to decorate for parties — especially weddings. Guests may leave early if they are tired, hungry, or bored. If too many guests leave before the main event birthday age up, wedding, etc.
Order a pizza or set out a buffet table. Sims will also autonomously grab snacks from your fridge during a party. But if your Sim has the money, the best way to get a good party score is to put as many fun group objects on the lot as possible. Fun group objects include:. When you throw a party that includes a scenario activity — such as aging up or getting married — do this as soon as possible after you start the party.
It can take a while for your guests to gather round a cake or wedding arch.